3 Read the article again and answer the questions
1 How many people live in Jamaica?
2 What sorts of heroes does Danielle write about?
3 When do Jamaican children start doing sport at
4 What or who is Champs?
5 What type of music started in Jamaica?
6 What do Jamaican musicians often sing about?​

romkagamernumbp0bv1q romkagamernumbp0bv1q    3   19.10.2020 04:47    2

Валерия003322 Валерия003322  18.11.2020 04:48

1.3 million live in Jamaica.

2.пока хз

3.Start playing sports at very young age.

4.Athletics championship, or 'Champs'.

5.As for music, in 1960s.

6.Bob Marley didn't only sing about happiness.

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