3. раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в past simple passive. 1) the letter (to deliver). 2) the bags (not to take) to the post office. 3) the postbox (to empty) yesterday. 4) the stamp (not to postmark) by them. 5) the pie (to bake) by my mother. 6) the dresses (not to make) in time. 7) the picture (to print) by students. 4. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами с частицей to или без нее. answer open ride go press be wear 1) the customs officer made sally her case. 2) do you want me with you? 3) we expected tom late. 4) her parents wouldn’t let her that skirt. 5) who taught you a horse? 6) he asked me the phone. 7) they told me not that button.

Катя388891 Катя388891    2   26.06.2019 12:50    0

shubina021 shubina021  02.10.2020 12:13
1) The letter (was delivered).
2) The bags (wee not taken) to the post office.
3) The postbox (was emptied) yesterday.
4) The stamp (was not postmarked) by them.
5) The pie (was baked) by my mother.
6) The dresses (was not made) in time.
7) The picture (was printed) by students.
1) The customs officer made Sally __OPEN_ her case.
2) Do you want me __to GO_ with you?
3) We expected Tom __to be late.
4) Her parents wouldn’t let her __wear__ that skirt.
5) Who taught you _to ride__ a horse?
6) He asked me _to answer___ the phone.
7) They told me not __to press that button.
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