3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 your / how / weekend / was /?
2 it/ was / what/like/?
3 about / Sunday / how /?
4 did / Saturday / you / do / what/ night / on /?
5 so / why./ bad / was /it/?
4 Complete the dialogue with the questions in exercise 3.
David 1
Sylvia It wasn't very good.
David ?
Sylvia Well, on Saturday morning I went swimming and I
left my MP3 player at the swimming pool.
David Oh no!)
Sylvia I went out with Tom. But I didn't take a coat and it
started to rain when we were walking home.
David Poor you!
Sylvia We went to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.
David Sounds good.
Sylvia It was great!​

3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 your / how / weekend / was /?2 it/ was / w

gagammil gagammil    2   17.11.2020 10:04    1

angel4004 angel4004  17.12.2020 10:06
1.How was your weekend?
2.What was it like?
3.How about sunday?
4.What did you do on Saturday night?
5.Why was it so bad?
4) 1.How was your weekend?
2.Why was it so bad?
3.How about Sunday?
4.What did you do on Saturday night?
5.What was it like?
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