3. преобразуйте глаголы в скобках в пассивный залог, перепишите предложения и переведите. 1. these houses (build) in 1946. 2. the repairs must (finish) by tomorrow. 3. the town has (attack) several times since the beginning of the war. 4. the decision has already (take). 5. the letters will (post) tomorrow morning. 6. white wine can (make) from red grapes. 7. the accident happened while the cars (load) onto the lorries. 8. the letters (type) at this very moment.

mariyaskobenko1 mariyaskobenko1    2   23.09.2019 15:20    1

korsukova61oye48j korsukova61oye48j  04.08.2020 14:52
1. were built
2. be finished
3. been attacked
4. been taken
5. be posted
6. be made
7. were being loaded
8. are being typed
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