3. определите, чем являются выделенные слова: причастием 2 или личной формой глагола. 1. the first object observed by galileo through the telescope was the moon. 2. the experiments made by our students and described in the journal illustrated the properties of metals. 3. radiation is widely used to preserve agricultural products from rotting during storage

Ahela007 Ahela007    3   07.06.2019 14:00    3

DisasterYt DisasterYt  01.10.2020 21:29
1. The first object observed (причастие 2) by Galileo through the telescope was the Moon.
2. The experiments made (причастие 2)  by our students and described (причастие 2) in the journal illustrated (вторая форма глагола) the properties of metals.
3. Radiation is widely used (причастие 2) to preserve agricultural products from rotting during storage
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