3.Match the words to make phrases,then use them to complete the sentences. 1.bowl 2.piece 3.pale 15 GLOUNIT a)of bread b)silence c)face 4.ungrateful On d)of soup XOX TID O OUSEKO || 2 + 3 - 10 ) CTIGLO HỌC ( 5.complete | e)boy ko bo'UNSCP в OCCCKOV bayons pomemor B

3.Match the words to make phrases,then use them to complete the sentences. 1.bowl 2.piece 3.pale 15

dzhulijamalish dzhulijamalish    2   15.12.2021 11:03    3

Lanevskie2004 Lanevskie2004  05.02.2022 17:20

bowl of soup.

piece of bread.

pale face

ungrateful boy

complete silence

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