3. Make the sentences in Past Indefinite. 1. We like to cook but we don't like to wash the dishes. 2. She enjoys listening to music. 3. Steven's girlfriend promises to come and she phones him. 4. We go to the cinema together. 5. I have breakfast at 8 o'clock. 6. My sister is in the park. 7. We are in Moscow too. 8. One of my brothers makes a tour of Europe. 9.1 do my bed and go to the bathroom. 10. The parents come very late.
4. Put the sentence in interrogative and negative form.
1. She worked at the library last year. 2. He spent his winter vacation in Moscow. 3. She brought me three magazines yesterday. 4. My sister really had a wonderful time at her friends.5. My pupils asked me a lot of questions at the last lesson. 6. My mother bought a new suit last week. 7. My father left for St. Petersburg yesterday. 8. He got up at ten o'clock yesterday. 9. My uncle taught me to swim in my childhood. 10. They were at the concert yesterday.