3 Look at the picture in Ex. 2 and correct the statements,
1 Jane was wearing jeans.
Jane wasn't wearing jeans.
She was wearing a dress.
2 Paul was eating.
3 Jim and Bob were dancing.
4 John was painting Jessie's
5 Jane was dancing.​

3 Look at the picture in Ex. 2 and correct the statements,1 Jane was wearing jeans.Jane wasn't weari

eraly2 eraly2    1   15.12.2020 03:14    2

SchoolWolf SchoolWolf  14.01.2021 03:15

2.Paul was eating.

Paul wasn't eating,he was dancing.

3.Jim and Bob were dancing.

Jim and Bob weren't dancing,they were eating.

4.John was painting Jessie's


John wasn't painting Jessie's

face,he was taking a pictures.

5.Jane was dancing.

Jane wasn't dancing,she was drinking cola.

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