3. ing-формы
перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на
разные функции слов с окончанием -ing. подчеркните причастие одной
чертой, а герундий – двумя.
1. running from moscow to vladivostok, the trans-siberian express covers the distance of
9,300 km in eight days, making 91 stops.
2. around $1.2 billion will be spent on modernizing the 270 km suburban network of sao
paolo, brazil. this includes buying new trains, refurbishing existing rolling stock,
renewing signaling equipment, constructing new railway stations, rebuilding old
ones and laying new tracks.
3. the transport committee studied the problem of increasing the number of trains
operating on the commuter network.
4. on october 11 2008, the thalys train from paris to amsterdam collided with a departing
icm trainset at the station of gouda. no people were injured.