3. Complete the First Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1 If the weather(be) nice, we (have) a barbecue.
2 My sister(not pass) her exams if she (not study) hard.
3 If they (lose) tomorrow, they (not play) in the final cup.
4 If you (drive) to work, you (not be) late.
5 I (not get) wet, if I (take) an umbrella.
6 Rob (do) a computer course if he (not find) a job.
7 If the bus (not/come) soon, I (be) late for college.
8 We (go) for a picnic at the weekend if it (not/rain).
9 My parents (be) upset if I (not/pass) my exams.
10 If I (get) a job I (move) out of my parent’s house.
11 They (not/win) the match if they (not/play) better.
12 His mother (not/buy) him a new phone if he (lose) this

TennisDiyar TennisDiyar    2   06.04.2020 23:26    0

timekid timekid  12.10.2020 19:44

1 If the weather is nice, we'll have a barbecue.

2 My sister won't pass her exams if she doesn't study hard.

3 If they lose tomorrow, they won't play  in the final cup.

4 If you drive to work, you won't be late.

5 I won't get wet, if I take an umbrella.

6 Rob will do a computer course if he doesn't find a job.

7 If the bus don't come soon, I'll be late for college.

8 We will go for a picnic at the weekend if it doesn't rain.

9 My parents will be upset if I don't pass my exams.

10 If I get a job I'll move out of my parent’s house.

11 They won't win the match if they don't play better.

12 His mother won't buy him a new phone if he loses this.

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