3 Complete the article with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 2 4 5 ANGRY MOTHER PUNISHES SIXTY-ONE- YEAR-OLD SON An angry mother (take) the house keys and money away from her sixty-one-year-old son because he (stay) out late at night and 3 (not tell her where he planned to go when he (go out). The mother, who is eighty-one years old, even went to the police in Caltagione, Italy, the town where she lives. She (ask) the police to tell her son that he should grow up' and behave in a better way towards his mother. The son (complain) that it was his mother who (be) the problem. 'It's not my fault, he (tell) reporters. 'She always treats me badly. And her cooking is really awful! A policeman (talk) to the mother and the son, and they finally 10 (decide) to go home together.