3. Answer the questions. ответьте на во Напишите полные ответы.

1. What is Generation-M? What does the letter “M” mean?

2. What is Lisa doing while studying for her Biology exam?

3. How much time do young people spend using media?

4. What is the impact of multi-tasking to the brain?

5. What is the advice of the teacher to young people?

4. Read the sentences and mark them T (true), F (false), NS (not stated/не указано ).

1) Lisa is doing her homework only while her eyes are fixed on the computer screen.

2) She is doing five different things simultaneously.

3) Her parents disapprove (don`t like) multi-tasking while studying.

4) Multi-tasking influences negatively in four ways.

5) Russell Poldrack describes the negative effect of multi-tasking.

urspacce urspacce    2   12.05.2020 10:42    69

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