2complete the questions using who,what, where,

1) electricity?

2) he live in 1998?

3) albert einstein born?

4) the rolling stones start their career — in liverpool or london?

5) the famous writer to create james bond?

6) lewis carroll?

7) was mendeleev from?

8) the famous novel gulliver’s tra?

9) leonardo da vinci create the mona lisa — in america or italy?

10) michael faraday’s most famous invention?

3 ask questions using the words in brackets.

1) albert einstein was born in 1879 in germany.


2) marie curie died in 1934.


3) michael jackson began his career in america.


4) valentin pikul was the famous russian writer.


5) christopher columbus made his sea voyages in the 15th century.


6) mary groholtz, known as madame tussaud, studied the anatomy of the human body.


7) pele was the outstanding football player of all times.


8) ringo starr joined the beatles in the late 60s.


9) the australian actor george lazenby starred in the part of james bond only once.


10) david cameron created many well-known hollywood films, such as terminator, titanic, avatar and others.


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1) What uses electricity?
- Электричество используется в чем?

Electricity is used in various things, such as lighting, heating, cooking, and powering electronic devices.

2) Where did he live in 1998?
- Где он жил в 1998 году?

To find out where he lived in 1998, we need more information about who "he" refers to. Could you provide more context or details?

3) When was Albert Einstein born?
- Когда родился Альберт Эйнштейн?

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879.

4) Did the Rolling Stones start their career in Liverpool or London?
- Где начала свою карьеру группа Rolling Stones, в Ливерпуле или Лондоне?

The Rolling Stones started their career in London.

5) Who created James Bond?
- Кто создал Джеймса Бонда?

James Bond was created by the famous writer Ian Fleming.

6) What did Lewis Carroll do?
- Чем занимался Льюис Кэрролл?

Lewis Carroll was an English writer, mathematician, logician, and photographer. He is best known for writing "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

7) Where was Mendeleev from?
- Откуда был Менделеев?

Dmitri Mendeleev, the inventor of the periodic table, was from Russia.

8) What is the famous novel "Gulliver's Travels" about?
- О чем известный роман "Путешествия Гулливера"?

"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel by Jonathan Swift that tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver's adventures in different fictional lands, each representing a different aspect of society.

9) Where did Leonardo da Vinci create the Mona Lisa - in America or Italy?
- Где Леонардо да Винчи создал картину "Мона Лиза" - в Америке или Италии?

Leonardo da Vinci created the Mona Lisa in Italy.

10) What is Michael Faraday's most famous invention?
- Какое изобретение Майкла Фарадея наиболее известно?

Michael Faraday is best known for his invention of the electric motor.


Questions using the words in brackets:

1) Where was Albert Einstein born? (in Germany)
- Где родился Альберт Эйнштейн? (в Германии)

2) Who died in 1934? (Marie Curie)
- Кто умер в 1934 году? (Мария Кюри)

3) What did Michael Jackson begin his career in? (America)
- В чем начал свою карьеру Майкл Джексон? (Америка)

4) What was Valentin Pikul known as? (a famous Russian writer)
- Чем был известен Валентин Пикуль? (знаменитым русским писателем)

5) Where did Christopher Columbus make his sea voyages? (in the 15th century)
- Где Кристофер Колумб совершал морские путешествия? (в 15-ом веке)

6) What did Madame Tussaud study? (the anatomy of the human body)
- Чем занималась Мадам Тюссо? (изучала анатомию человеческого тела)

7) Who was the outstanding football player of all times? (Pele)
- Кто был выдающимся футболистом всех времен? (Пеле)

8) When did Ringo Starr join the Beatles? (in the late 60s)
- Когда Ринго Старр присоединился к группе Битлз? (в конце 60-х годов)

9) Who starred in the part of James Bond only once? (the Australian actor George Lazenby)
- Кто сыграл роль Джеймса Бонда только один раз? (австралийский актер Джордж Лазенби)

10) What films did David Cameron create? (such as Terminator, Titanic, Avatar, and others)
- Какие фильмы создал Дэвид Кэмерон? (такие как Терминатор, Титаник, Аватар и другие)
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