2a Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1) What do you know about 'climate
2b Work in pairs. Read and check your ideas. 2) Where does the 'greenhouse gas'
come from? Is it good or bad?
1 Listen and repeat the new words.
flood, tsunami, heat wave, hurricane,
oxygen, CO2 (gas), hunger, spray
Climate plays a very important role in the life
of plants, animals and humans, and is dif- human activities. We produce CO2 when we
ferent in different parts of the world. Some burn fossil fuels, use electricity, transport or
scientists think that the world is becoming other activities, for example, when we use
hotter. Winters have become warmer be- spray for body or hair. Trees take this gas
cause of the greenhouse gas. During the from the air and give oxygen. But in the last
last 100 years people have produced a lot few years, people have cut down and burnt
of CO2 gas. This gas in the air works like big areas of rainforest
. This means there
glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but are fewer trees and, of course, more CO2
it does not let much heat get out. So the air gas! These changes are dangerous for our
becomes warmer. Where does the CO2 gas planet because every year we have more
come from? CO2 gas is mostly produced by floods, tsunami, hurricanes and fires.
box and complete the sentences.