29. use the necessary form of there is/are. 1. … 50 states in the usa. 2. … a hotel two blocks from here. 3. … no film in the camera. 4. … any concert on tv tonight? 5. … about 800 000 words in english. 6. …a great number of talented people in the students’ union. 7. how many letters … in the english alphabet? 8. how many people … in this country? 9. … no rules for judging when reading a piece of writing. 33. fill in the blanks as in the example. i went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! my hotel room was 1) smaller than (small) the one in the photograph in the brochure. i think it was 2) (small) room the hotel. the weather was terrible too. it was (cold) in england. the beach near the hotel was very dirty – it was 4) (dirty) all the beaches on the island. the food was 5) (expensive) i expected and i didn’t have enough money. one day i went shopping to a big department store and i broke a vase. it was ) vase the whole shop. but (bad) thing all was that i lost my passport and i couldn’t go back home. it was 8) (horrible) holiday my life. 34. use very or much. london is becoming a 1) very popular place for american tourists. all the big attractions are now 2) busy in summer months. the crowds of tourists around places like buckingham palace are 3) bigger than they were a few years ago. sales of postcards and other sou-venirs are 4) higher now than in past years. this is 5) good news for the british tourist industry.

akr999 akr999    1   07.09.2019 01:50    2

mrredis mrredis  20.08.2020 22:47
1 there are
2 there is
3 there is
4 is there
5 there are
6 there are
7 are there
8 are there
9 there are

2 the smallest
3 colder than
4 dirtier than
5 more expensive than
6 the most expensive
7 the worst thing of all
8 the most horrible

2 very
3 much
4 much
5 very
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