27. Преобразуйте предложение в Рresent Continuous: «The businessm sells computers», 1. The businessman is selling computers 2. The businessman was selling computers 3. The businessman are selling computers 4. The businessman sold computers ределите время, в котором стоит предложение: "Students were working at eomputers in the morning". 1. Present Continuous 2. РPast Continuous 3. Future Continuous 4. Present Indefinite 29. ответьте на вопросы: 1. How old are you? 2. What is your name? 3. Where do you live? 30. Выберите правильный ответ перевода: "Носильщик принесет мой багаж в 5 часов". 1. The porter brought my luggage at 5 o'clock 2. The porter is bringing my luggage 3. The porter wvill have brought my luggage at 5 о'clock 4. The porter was brought my luggage at 5 o'clock 31. Составьте полные предложения: The first of January is... ... the first day of school. The 25th of Deсember is... ... the Children's Day. The first of May is ... ... Christmas in England. The first of June is ... The Worker's Day. The first of September is ... Christmas in Russia. The 7th of January ... ... The New Year. 32. Выберите правильный вариант вопроса: 1. Has A.S. Poрov invented the radio? 2. Have A.S. Роpov invented the radio? 3. Had A.S. Pорov invent the radio?

DeadAsted DeadAsted    1   10.03.2021 06:08    3

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