25 ! опишите буквально в 5 предложениях на 3 разные традиционные кухни стран. например: азиатская кухня острая и соленая. они едят лапшу суши роллы и тд. итальянская кухня разнообразна. они едят пиццу и т.д.

Rf123123 Rf123123    3   10.08.2019 21:30    0

nimblefish nimblefish  04.10.2020 10:05
Italian cuisine is characterized by, inter alia, an abundance of fresh products of the Mediterranean region, which significantly differs from the original Italian cuisine attempts to simulate it in the world Russian cuisine is typical for harvesting of vegetables and fruit by means of pickling, salting and urinating The basis of oriental cuisine cooking up lamb and rice, which is a mixture of dry forms pilaf and liquid Shurpa. A special feature is the absence of oriental cuisine soups 
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