22 Dec. 20 Jan. Capricorn ['kæprikon) children
are sociable. They work a lot
and have got a lot of friends.
bit shy. They
21 Jan. 19 Feb
Aquarius [əʻkweəriəsl children
are cheerful and clever. They
like reading books.
22 June 23 July
Cancer ['kænsəl children are
honest and a
like reading books.
24 July - 23 Aug.
Leo ['lirəv] children are a bit
boastful. They like buying
presents for their friends.
24 Aug. - 23 Sept.
Virgo I'v3:gəv] children
helpful. They get on well with
other children. They
20 Feb. 20 March
Pisces ['paisi:z] children are
kind and polite, but a bit lazy.
They are good at art.
21 March 20 Apr.
Aries ['eəri:z] children
bossy. They like doing exper-
24 Sept. 23 Oct.
Libra ['li:brə]
children are
sociable and kind. They are
interested in history.
24 Oct. 22 Nov.
Scorpio ['skɔ:prəU] children are
brave. They good at
21 Apr. - 21 May
Taurus ['törəs] children are
helpful. You can trust them.
They like working in the gar-
22 May - 21 June
23 Nov. - 21 Dec.
Gemini ['đemina] children are Sagittarius (.sæczi'teəriəs] chil-
funny and talkative. They dren are friendly but careless.
like travelling and chatting They always tell the truth.
with friends.
They love playing sports.
Unit 2

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