21. youPeter? - Ihim yesterday. a) did see, saw c) have seen, have seen

b) were seen, saw d) have seen, saw

22. She is a very nice person. Youmeet her.

a) can c) must

b) are able d) have

23. He cannot come out with us this evening. Heto


a) could c) must

b) has d) might

24. Johnspeak three foreign languages.

a) can c) must

b) may d) has to

25. Everyoneobey the law.

a) should c) must

b) may d) can

26. Marybe in this room. It is her voice.

a) must c) have to

b) should d) need

27. youget up early to meet the delegation at

the airport?

a) Did, have to c) Have, had to

b) Had, to d) Must, have to

28. My friend has a good talent for languages. Hean

excellent translator.

a) could become c) was able to become

b) could have become d) had to become

29. Johnfind any reason to refuse the invitation to

the party. So he accepted it.

a) could not c) must not

b) cannot d) might not

30. You can'tafter having such a big meal.

a) hunger c) be hungry

b) hungry d) to be hungry

31. She mustUkrainian with such a surname.

a) to be c) be being

b) be d) -

32. They must. They have been working all day.

a) be tired c) to be tired

b) tired d) be tiring

33. You must! No one enjoys taking exams!

a) joke c) be joking

b) not joke d) not to joke

34. They can'tmarried! They are so different.

a) be getting c) to be getting

b) get d) to get

35. His trainbe late because it is always on time.

a) can c) shouldn't

b) can't d) ought

36. What's that smell! My mother mustdinner.

a) cook c) be cooking

b) to cook d) to be cooking

37. When you heat water it.

a) has boiled c) boils

b) boiling d) boiled

38. When you go abroadvery attentive.

a) are c) be

b) will be d) were

39. Whenever she goes, shefriends.

a) had made c) made

b) making d) makes

40. English is the main foreign language whichwithin

most school systems.

a)teach c)teaches

b) is taught d) is teaching

lanchik03 lanchik03    2   21.12.2020 00:39    3

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