20. since my childhood, i _to an-yone for anything. i just had everything. imiss my school days.not)complain21.thepart used to be the exchangeof lunch boxes'.exciting22.usually i and my best friend liked each oth-er's lunch and soon we_ a habitof exchanging lunches.developalso we used to share our secrets. we usedto play own created games and drawfor fun.we24.findmy childhood was really amazing and sim-ple. wefun in simple but beau-tiful things. we sometimes played in therains, made paper boats, ate ice-creams andenjoyed every drop of water.25.these were some of the stuff of my schooland childhood, which i remember today assweetmemory26.makei wish godeveryone's childhooddays as carefree as mine.​

shipicinaolga36 shipicinaolga36    1   06.06.2019 07:21    11

pomogitmneaaaa pomogitmneaaaa  10.01.2024 09:08
Since my childhood, I never had to ask anyone for anything. I was fortunate enough to have everything I needed. However, I sometimes miss my school days and the simplicity of that time. I am not complaining about my current situation; I am merely reflecting on how enjoyable my school days were.

One of the highlights of my school days was the tradition of exchanging lunch boxes. It used to be an exciting part of our daily routine. My best friend and I had a habit of liking each other's lunches, so we would often exchange our meals. This created a sense of camaraderie and friendship between us. Not only did we share our lunches, but we also shared our secrets with each other.

In addition to these lunchtime exchanges, we used to create our own games and draw for fun. We found enjoyment in the simple but beautiful things around us. Sometimes, we would even play in the rain, making paper boats and relishing the taste of every drop of water. Eating ice creams was also a favorite activity during those days.

All of these memories from my school and childhood days bring back a sense of sweetness and nostalgia. They remind me of a carefree and happy time in my life. I wish that everyone could have a childhood as joyful and free as mine.

It is important to cherish and remember these special moments from the past. They shape who we are today and bring us happiness when we reflect on them.
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