20. romeo fell in love juliet at first sight. (a) for (c) on (b) about (d) with 21. nobody to the dentist. (a) enjoy to go (c) enjoy going (b) enjoys go (d) enjoys going 22. "who the window? " the teacher asked angrily. (a) did break (c) broken (b) broke (d) breaked 23. if i don't know this or that word, i look it in the dictionary. (a) at (c) up (b) in (d) for 24. your behaviour makes your father . (a) anger (c) angry (b) angrily (d) to be angry 25. i wouldn't buy that coat. (a) if i were you (c) on your place (b) if i would be you (d) if i was instead of you 26. all tom's friends were sorry him when he failed his entrance exams. (a) for (c) with (b) about (d) at 27. my sister and i visit our grandparents every saturday. (a) sometimes (c) ever (b) often (d) usually 28. where are you going to stay when in london? (a) you be (c) you are (b) you will (d) you will be 29. hurry up! the train leaves in half an hour. (a) last (c) least (b) latest (d) latter

pruzhinskiy01 pruzhinskiy01    1   22.09.2019 13:20    11

Нвдуооп Нвдуооп  08.10.2020 09:38
20. D 
21. D
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. A
27. B
28. A
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