20 напишите ответ на письмо вашему другу по переписке. ответьте на его/ее вопросы.количество слов в вашем письме должно быть 100-120. i'd like to have an ipad or a new smartphone but i simply can't afford to buy them-they are too expensive. and what gadgets do you have? do you find them useful? do you dream of buying something new?

Demonis666 Demonis666    1   28.08.2019 21:50    45

aazzziizz aazzziizz  03.08.2020 10:57
I have different gadgets. For example, smartphone, tablet, computer ect.
i use they every day. i get useful from they. For example, if i will need know anything i use Internet. in order to login to the Internet need gadgets.
But gadgets have and bad side. they influens on the human psyche. in consequence of many teenagers suffer from pshychological ilenesses. You ask me "What do you use every day?" Because i find a lot of useful and a lot of information.
I'd to have Lots of new things. Exampleдальше перечисли какие новые вещи хотел бы прибрести.