2. Заполните пропуски одним из слов: some, any, much, many.
1)There aren't apples in the fridge.
2)Bob usually has bacon for breakfast.
3)Is there cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.
4)How pepper is left?
5)You put too (слишком)sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.

henriksenkids henriksenkids    1   17.05.2020 14:46    7

Lilia55590 Lilia55590  14.10.2020 21:13

2. Заполните пропуски одним из слов: some, any, much, many.

1)There aren't ...many apples in the fridge.

2)Bob usually has some bacon for breakfast.

3)Is there...any cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.

4)How..much... pepper is left?

5)You put too muchsugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.

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