2. Write out from the text the sentences or their parts, which contain the words and phrases given below and translate them into Russian: nourishment, to patronize, viable, viability, saturation, to change ownership.

vladchesak vladchesak    1   04.02.2021 08:17    40

Denisgurlo Denisgurlo  22.12.2023 04:52
Sure, here is a detailed and step-by-step answer to your question:

To answer this question, we need to carefully read the text and identify the sentences or their parts that contain the given words and phrases. Let's start by locating each word or phrase:

1. Nourishment - The word "nourishment" refers to the act or process of providing food or nutrients for growth, health, and development.

2. To patronize - To patronize means to support, sponsor, or regularly visit a particular establishment or person.

3. Viable - The term "viable" means capable of working successfully; feasible.

4. Viability - Viability is the noun form of the word "viable." It refers to the ability to exist, grow, or develop successfully.

5. Saturation - Saturation refers to the state of being completely soaked, filled, or filled to capacity.

6. To change ownership - The phrase "to change ownership" means to transfer or shift the possession or control of something from one person or entity to another.

Now that we have identified the words and phrases, let's search the text for sentences or their parts containing them and translate them into Russian:

Original Text: *Please provide the text for further analysis.*

Based on the information provided, we can now create sample sentences or parts that include the given words and phrases:

1. Nourishment - "The school cafeteria offers a variety of healthy options for students, ensuring they receive proper nourishment."

Translation: Школьная столовая предлагает разнообразные здоровые продукты для учеников, гарантируя, что они получают правильное питание.

2. To patronize - "The local community members frequently patronize the school's library, showing their support for education."

Translation: Жители местности часто посещают библиотеку школы, выражая свою поддержку образованию.

3. Viable - "The school's proposed plan to introduce technology-based learning seems viable, considering the advantages it offers."

Translation: Предложенный план школы по внедрению обучения на основе технологий кажется жизнеспособным, учитывая его предлагаемые преимущества.

4. Viability - "The long-term viability of the school depends on maintaining high academic standards and attracting quality teachers."

Translation: Долгосрочная жизнестойкость школы зависит от поддержания высоких академических стандартов и привлечения качественных учителей.

5. Saturation - "The market for tutoring services in our area has reached saturation point, with multiple providers competing for students."

Translation: Рынок услуг по тьюторству в нашем районе достиг насыщения, с множеством поставщиков, конкурирующих за учеников.

6. To change ownership - "After years of being a family-owned institution, the school recently changed ownership due to financial difficulties."

Translation: После многих лет нахождения в частной собственности одной семьи, школа недавно сменила владельца из-за финансовых трудностей.

Please note that the provided translations are approximate and can be further refined. Additionally, it is crucial to have the original text mentioned in the question to provide a more accurate and context-based answer.
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