2 What do you say? Use the present continuous or will or going to. 1 You're 16. It's your birthday next Friday. I (be)...will CU) be 17 next Friday. 'll) 2 To celebrate your birthday, your parents wanted to take you to a restaurant, but yesterday you decided to have a big party. I don't want to go to a restaurant. I (have) a big party 3 You've invited twenty people. They've all accepted the invitation. You're telling your parents about the arrangement. Twenty people (come) to my party 4 You aren't sure what to wear on Friday. Decide! I know! I (wear). my white trousers. 5 You want to have the party outside. You're watching the TV weather forecast. on Friday. Great! It (not rain) * .

verbenalaym verbenalaym    2   01.02.2022 23:50    16

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