2. Выполните задание в тетради. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в

Future Simple или Present Simple, опираясь на тип придаточного

предложения. Помни! В придаточных предложениях времени и

условия НЕ может употребляться Future Simple, а в

дополнительных придаточных предложениях может!

1. If it (rain) rains, I will stay at home. 2. Tell me if you

(learn) the poem in the evening. 3. What will

he do if he (win) the game? 4. Our parents will

be happy if we (see) New Year in with them.

5.1 am not sure if they (go) to the circus to-

morrow. 6. If she (buy) new trainers, she will

be happy. 7. Tom will phone you when he (be)

free. 8. The Smiths will go to the mountains as soon as

winter (come) 9. We will live in Malaga be-

fore our mother (arrive) 10.1 wonder what

(happen) next year.​

Frampo228 Frampo228    2   11.04.2020 11:42    4

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