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Christmas in the past in Britain
In the England of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Christmas was an important festival. A lot of food
(eat) and a lot of alcohol (drink). Candles (light), music
(play), songs (sing) and people danced until late at night. A lot of sweet things
(eat), like biscuits, but there were no turkeys in England at this time. They came from
America much later. By 1720-1770 everything was very different. Christmas (not celebrate)
at all. Many families went on holiday at Christmas time, not in the summer as they do now, and the
festival of Christmas (forget). The Christmas festival that we know really started from 1840-
1870 Rooms (decorate) in the same way and the same food (eat) as now.

valovaliza2018 valovaliza2018    2   07.05.2020 12:27    140

In the England of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Christmas was an important festival. A lot of food was eaten and a lot of alcohol was drunk. Candles were lit, music was played, songs were sung, and people danced until late at night. A lot of sweet things were eaten, like biscuits, but there were no turkeys in England at this time. They came from America much later. By 1720-1770 everything was very different. Christmas was not celebrated at all. Many families went on holiday at Christmas time, not in the summer as they do now, and the festival of Christmas was forgotten. The Christmas festival that we know really started from 1840-1870. Rooms were decorated in the same way and the same food was eaten as now.

In the sentence, we are talking about things that happened in the past, so we need to use the Past Simple Passive tense. The passive form is used when the focus is on the action being done rather than the doer of the action.

For example, "A lot of food (eat)" is in the passive voice because we are focusing on the food being eaten, not who ate it. Similarly, "Candles (light)" and "music (play)" are in the passive voice because we are focusing on the candles being lit and the music being played.

In the sentence, "Christmas was an important festival," we use the simple past of the verb "to be" (was) and the past participle of the verb "to be" (been). "Was" is used for singular subjects (e.g., Christmas) and "were" is used for plural subjects (e.g., candles).

In the sentence, "A lot of sweet things (eat)," we use the past participle of the verb "to eat" (eaten) because we are talking about things that were eaten in the past.

In the sentence, "Christmas (not celebrate) at all," we use the past participle of the verb "to celebrate" (celebrated).

In the sentence, "The Christmas festival that we know really started from 1840-1870," we use the past participle of the verb "to start" (started).

In the sentence, "Rooms (decorate) in the same way and the same food (eat) as now," we use the past participle of the verb "to decorate" (decorated) and the past participle of the verb "to eat" (eaten).

Overall, the Past Simple Passive tense is used to describe actions that happened in the past, with the focus on what was done rather than who did it.
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