2.Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя. This text deals with …
1. How the objects move
2. How the objects orbit
3. What gives and reflects light
4. A lot of stars together
5. How stars appear
6. How long the stars are
A. Over millions of years, hot clouds of gas called ‘nebulae’ grow until they explode and form huge, blazing balls of fire. This is how stars are born. Our own sun is a star. Eventually, like all stars, it will run out of fuel and die. Don ’t worry though — this won’t happen for another 5 billion years!
B. Stars are sources of light. This is the reason they shine so brightly in the sky. The moon, planets and comets also shine, but they don’t give out their own light. They just reflect it from the sun.
C. Stars are very, very far away. In fact, when their light reaches our eyes, we sometimes see them as they were thousands of years ago. Our sun is the nearest star to Earth, but it is still about 160 million km away! It is part of the Milky Way galaxy, a white band of stars that stretches across the night sky.
D. Constellations are groups of stars. If you draw lines between them (and use lots of imagination) they sometimes look like objects, animals or people. The ancient Greeks thought that Orion looked like a giant hunter with a sword attached to his belt.
E. As the earth moves around the sun, we see the constellations in different positions in the sky at different times of the year. In the same way, the whole sky seems to move towards the west as the earth rotates on its axis throughout the night.
3.Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.
It was Saturday and a (A) summer day. Everyone was on holiday, everyone was happy. Well, almost everyone. Tom looked at the fence in front of him and the (B) left his heart. Thirty yards long and nine (C) high! He began to paint and then stopped to compare his white line with the unending continent of unpainted fence. He sat down under a tree,(D) . At that moment he saw Jim (E) along with a bucket of water. Tom had always considered boring the job of fetching water from the village pump, but now I seemed much better than the job he had to do.

1. feet;
2. joy
3. upset
4. window
5. busy;
6. fine
7. skipping;
4. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную форму, выбрав её из списка.
Christmas is a joyful religious A when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In Scandinavian and other European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint Nicholas, comes B houses in the night and leaves gifts for the children. Saint Nicholas is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard. He visited houses and left gifts, bringing people happiness in the coldest months of the year. Another character, the God Odin, C on a magical flying horse across the sky in the winter to reward people with gifts. These different legends D across the ages to make the present-day Santa Claus.
Although Santa Claus has origins in Norse and pre-Christian mythology, he took shape in the United States. Americans gave Santa Claus a white beard, E him in a red suit and made him a cheery old gentleman with red cheeks and a twinkle in his eye. American children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole with his wife. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides what presents to give to the good children. Santa Claus supposedly gets his list of toys from the millions of children who write to him at the North Pole.

A 1) leave 2) rest 3) day off 4) holiday
B 1) into 2) in 3) out of 4) to
C 1) came 2) controlled 3) rode 4) went
D 1) went 2) passed 3) moved 4) put
E 1) dressed 2) gave 3) provided 4) wore​

dashabonya dashabonya    3   26.02.2021 18:01    0

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