2. Translate the sentences used in the Passive Voice. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

1. The Law is defined as a set of rules which form the pattern of behaviour of a given society.

2. The Law is based upon the recorded experiences of society and the community in their efforts to define and regulate the relationships between their members.

3. In ancient times laws were derived from old customs and in some cases were codified by the order of a strong ruler, and then they became known under the ruler‘s name, like Hammurabi‘s Code of Laws or Justinian‘s Digest.

4. Though in many cases the names of ancient lawgivers are unknown, their teachings have been known to millions of people.

5. It seems that the Ten Commandments from the Bible are known to all people, both religious and non-religious.

6. Besides strictly religious commandments, there are those that are willingly accepted by most people: to show honour and devotion to our parents, not to murder, not to be unfaithful to our spouses, not to steal, not to bear false witness not to desire greedily anything that belongs to our neighbours.

7. Another ancient law the initiator of which is unknown is the law of the talion: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

8. In Anglo-Saxon Law the death penalty has been considered a customary response to certain kinds of offence.

9. Nowadays legislators are members of legislature who are empowered to make, change or repeal the laws of the country or state and levy taxes.

10. Civil law system is based on Roman law and the French Napoleonic Code, the German and Swiss Codes.

11. In civil law countries legislation is seen as the primary source of law.

RomeTo RomeTo    3   02.12.2020 14:52    28

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