2. the students/leave. – 3. the exams/finish. – 4. danny/break/leg. – 5. i/sent/you/e-mail. – 6. she/see/this film/before. – 7. dave and joe/win/a scholarship. – 8. there/be/accident. – нужно правильно сделать предложения типа как это в презент перфект симпл the teacher/ arrive the teacher has arrived

Veronicagitarowe Veronicagitarowe    1   10.08.2019 18:50    2

romakum24 romakum24  04.10.2020 09:52
2. The students have left.
3. The exams have finished. –
4. Danny has broken his leg. –
5. I have sent you an e-mail. –
6. She has seen this film before. –
7. Dave and Joe have won a scholarship. –
8. There has been an accident. –
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