2.the clown with the red nose the onher clown.(finny) 3.john is than jim.(tall) 4.a horse is than a dog.(bid) 5.tina is than her brother.(short) 6.george is than james(fat) 7.sally girl in the class.(beautifal) 8.a mouse is a cat.(small) 9.bert is of all(tall_ 10.thr red t-shirt is all.(expensive)

Messi111111111111111 Messi111111111111111    3   29.06.2019 18:00    3

Катя46811909 Катя46811909  23.07.2020 15:52
3. taller
4. bigger
5. shorter
6. fatter
7. the most beautiful
8. smaller
9. the tallest
10. the most expensive
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