2. study the active vocabulary. lnsert the missing words. 1. the _of оre computer stopped the whole work of а соmpanу. 2. yesterday my brother hougl1t а ~-- dcvice: it's а printer, а scanner аnd а fax. 3. lf you want to look at thc library collcction, open this _ program. 4. то install the drivcr, insert the cd into the аnd follow the instructions of the computer. 5. if you have problems with your hardwarc оr , ask my friend lgor. не is а famous specialist, he has great __ , he сап __ аnу problem. 6. the hottest place in your computer is а _. 7. check your computer for _. they сап spoil your _. 8. what __ do you have? - are there mаnу? - yes, therc аrе. but there is only а problem of _ of software. 9. не uses the internet only to _ blmself: he listens to the music, watches films аnd installs programs. 10. computer сап make _quicker than аnу calculator.

4755Kristina501 4755Kristina501    3   21.05.2019 05:19    698

malia20092004 malia20092004  31.03.2022 08:55
Dhhd jd xjd jd did jdbxnxnxjndnx jxbxnxbdjdhd jdbdjd. Jddbd bx djdd nd dnddbnd d ddnd dbdbd and cnd dndndjd cnd jc xb
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