2. study the active vocabulary. lnsert the missing words. 1. the _of опе computcr stoppcd thc whole work of а соmрапу. 2. yesterday my brother hougl1t а ~-- dcvice: it's а priпter, а scanner апd а fax. 3. lfyou waпt to look at thc library collcction, ореп this _program. 4. то iпstall the drivcr, insert the cd iпto the апd follow the iпstructioпs of the computer. 5. if you have proьiems with your hardwarc ог , ask my frieпd lgor. не is а famous specialist, he has great __ , he сап __ апу proьlem. 6. the hottest place iп your computer is а _. 7. check your computer for _. they сап spoil your _. 8. what __ do you have? - are there mапу? - yes, therc аге. but there is only а proьlem of _ of software. 9. не uses the iпternet only to _ blmself: he listeпs to the music, watches films апd iпstalls programs. 10. computer сап make _quicker thaп апу calculator. 3. continue the following statements. 1. the first computers of the 1940s were 2. а browser program is desigпed to 3. а wood processor lets you 4. а database program is used iп shops 5. computers аге used everywhere: iп а plaпt опе сап make 6. computer is also used at school: childreп watch 7. there is а joke that computers are desigпed to solve proьlems but 8. there is а proьiem of compatibility 9. computers become more and more complicated, and much effort 10. computer viruses cause а lot of 11. childreп often fall prey to computer 12. it's our оwп free will that lets us use the computer iп order 4. make а plan of the text and retell the text looking in your plan. 5. discuss the following topics. 1. multifuпctioпal devices arouпd us. 2. differeпt types of computer programs. 3. spheres of life where computers are iпdispeпsaьle пowadays. 4. the proьlem of compatibllity. 5. computer viruses апd their iпflueпce оп our lives

Единорожка2306 Единорожка2306    2   06.05.2019 10:31    555

Ekaterina152005 Ekaterina152005  28.12.2023 12:26
1. the _of the computer stopped the whole work of a company. - The function/operation of the computer stopped the whole work of a company.

2. yesterday my brother bought a ~-- device: it's a printer, a scanner and a fax. - Yesterday my brother bought a multifunctional device: it's a printer, a scanner, and a fax.

3. lf you want to look at the library collection, open this _program. - If you want to look at the library collection, open this software/program.

4. to install the driver, insert the CD into the and follow the instructions of the computer. - To install the driver, insert the CD into the computer and follow the instructions of the computer.

5. if you have problems with your hardware or , ask my friend Igor. He is a famous specialist, he has great knowledge, he can solve any problem. - If you have problems with your hardware or software, ask my friend Igor. He is a famous specialist, he has great knowledge, he can solve any problem.

6. the hottest place in your computer is a _. - The hottest place in your computer is a processor/central processing unit (CPU).

7. check your computer for _. They can spoil your _. - Check your computer for viruses. They can spoil your system.

8. what __ do you have? - are there many? - yes, there are. but there is only a problem of uncertainty/lack of compatibility of software. - What programs do you have? - Are there many? - Yes, there are. But there is only a problem of uncertainty/lack of compatibility of software.

9. He uses the internet only to entertain himself: he listens to music, watches films, and installs programs. - He uses the internet only for entertainment purposes: he listens to music, watches films, and installs programs.

10. Computers can make calculations quicker than any calculator. - Computers can make calculations quicker than any calculator.

3. Continue the following statements:
1. The first computers of the 1940s were large and using vacuum tubes.
2. A browser program is designed to access and view websites on the internet.
3. A wood processor lets you chop and process wood more efficiently.
4. A database program is used in shops to store and manage product information and sales data.
5. Computers are used everywhere: in a plant, one can make automated production processes.
6. Computers are also used at school: children watch educational videos and learn through interactive programs.
7. There is a joke that computers are designed to solve problems, but they often create new ones.
8. There is a problem of compatibility when different software or hardware cannot work together seamlessly.
9. Computers become more and more complicated, and much effort is put into making them user-friendly.
10. Computer viruses cause a lot of damage to personal data and can disrupt computer systems.

4. Make a plan of the text and retell the text looking at your plan.

- Definition of active vocabulary and its importance in understanding concepts related to computers.

1. Study the active vocabulary:
- Exercise with missing words to practice using the vocabulary in context.

2. Vocabulary in sentences:
- Providing explanations and definitions for each sentence to aid understanding.

3. Continuing statements:
- Completing statements to expand knowledge about computers and their applications.

4. Making a plan:
- Guide on how to create a plan for retelling the text.

5. Retelling the text:
- Utilizing the created plan to summarize and explain the main points of the text.

- Emphasizing the importance of active vocabulary in comprehending and discussing computer-related topics.

5. Discuss the following topics:
1. Multifunctional devices around us:
- Explanation of various devices that combine multiple functions such as printers, scanners, and faxes.

2. Different types of computer programs:
- Explanation of browser programs, database programs, and others mentioned in the text.

3. Spheres of life where computers are indispensable nowadays:
- Discussing the role of computers in industries, education, healthcare, communication, etc.

4. The problem of compatibility:
- Exploring the challenges when different software or hardware systems cannot work together smoothly.

5. Computer viruses and their influence on our lives:
- Discussing the negative impact of computer viruses on data security and system functionality.

Overall, this comprehensive approach to studying and discussing computers and related topics will help students develop a solid understanding and fluency in the active vocabulary required in the field.
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