2.Sort out the oppositions under the following headings: a) occlusive vs. constructive, b) constructive vs. occlusive-constructive, c) noise vs.
sonorants, d) unicentral vs. bicentral, e) flat narrowing vs. round narrowing.
- occlusive: kick, work, sick
- constructive: pine, fare, boat, seek, bee, deed, thine, vain, came, fame
b) constructive vs. occlusive-constructive:
- constructive: pine, fare, boat, seek, bee, deed, thine, vain, came, fame
- occlusive-constructive: fine, chair, moat, seen, king, jerk, thee, need, wine, lane, lame, same, sing
c) noise vs. sonorants:
- noise: kick, work, sick
- sonorants: pine, fare, boat, seek, fine, chair, moat, seen, kick, king, work, jerk, sing
d) unicentral vs. bicentral:
- unicentral: pine, fare, seek, seek, deed
- bicentral: fine, boat, chair, moat, seen, kick, king, work, jerk, thee, need, thine, wine, lame, lame, sick, sing
e) flat narrowing vs. round narrowing:
- flat narrowing: pine, fare, boat, seek, seen, kick, the e sound in "seek"
- round narrowing: fine, chair, moat, king, work, jerk, thee, deed, need, thine, wine, lame, same, sick, sing
a) Occlusive sounds are produced by a complete obstruction of airflow, creating a burst of sound when released. Constructive sounds, on the other hand, are produced by a partial obstruction of airflow, allowing for a more continuous sound production.
b) Constructive sounds are formed by altering the flow of air using specific articulatory gestures. Occlusive-constructive sounds are formed by combining occlusive and constructive elements.
c) Noise sounds are characterized by a turbulent airflow and a lack of clear resonance, while sonorants have a more open airflow and a clear resonance.
d) Unicentral sounds are produced with a single constriction in the vocal tract, while bicentral sounds involve two constrictions.
e) Flat narrowing refers to a constriction that occurs in the horizontal plane of the vocal tract, while round narrowing occurs in the vertical plane.
Step-by-step solution:
To sort out the oppositions, we need to analyze each word and determine the characteristics that differentiate them.
1. Pine-fine:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: "Fine" is occlusive-constructive because it involves both an occlusive and a constructive element.
- Noise vs. sonorants: "Fine" is a sonorant because it has a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: "Pine" and "fine" don't have any specific narrowing characteristics.
2. Fare-chair:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: "Chair" is a sonorant because it has a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: "Fare" and "chair" don't have any specific narrowing characteristics.
3. Boat-moat:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "boat" and "moat" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: "Boat" and "moat" don't have any specific narrowing characteristics.
4. Seek-seen:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "seek" and "seen" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: "Seek" has flat narrowing due to the horizontal constriction, while "seen" doesn't have any specific narrowing characteristics.
5. Kick-king:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: Both "kick" and "king" are occlusive.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: None of the words are sonorants.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
6. Work-jerk:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: Both "work" and "jerk" are occlusive.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: None of the words are sonorants.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
7. Bee-thee:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "bee" and "thee" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
8. Deed-need:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "deed" and "need" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
9. Thine-wine:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "thine" and "wine" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
10. Vain-lane:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "vain" and "lane" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
11. Came-lame:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "came" and "lame" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
12. Fame-same:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: None of the words are occlusive, so they all belong to the constructive category.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: Both "fame" and "same" are sonorants because they have a clear resonance.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.
13. Sick-sing:
- Occlusive vs. constructive: Both "sick" and "sing" are occlusive.
- Constructive vs. occlusive-constructive: None of the words are occlusive-constructive.
- Noise vs. sonorants: None of the words are sonorants.
- Unicentral vs. bicentral: None of the words have two constrictions, so they are all unicentral.
- Flat narrowing vs. round narrowing: None of the words have specific narrowing characteristics.