2. Соедините понятия с определениями: Hormone, enzyme, embryo, anti-body, chromosome, secretion, stomach,

reproduction, tissue, nucleus

1. Process by which certain substances in a plant or animal body are separated for use, or as waste matter.

2. Mass of cells and cell products in an animal body.

3. Organic chemical substance formed in living cells, able to cause changes in other substances without being changed itself.

4. Internal secretion that passes into the blood and stimulates the bodily organs.

5. The process during which plants and animals produce new organism of their kind.

6. Offspring of an animal in the early stage of its development before birth.

7. Bag-like part of the alimentary canal into which food passes to be digested.

8. One of the minute threads in every nucleus in animal and plant cells, carrying genes.

Kseniaa26 Kseniaa26    1   03.02.2021 19:40    11

Ваниш20 Ваниш20  03.02.2021 19:50

xercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations of Latin and Greek origin:

to indicate, diet, periodontitis, stomatitis, catarrhal stomatitis, chronic stomatitis, chemical stomatitis, mucous membrane, gingiva, local origin, idiosyncrasy, anaemic (anemic), stomach.

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words:

to indicate указывать

to disturb беспокоить, нарушать

to affect оказывать влияние, влиять; поражать

to separate разделять, разъединять

to swell (swelled, swollen) опухать, отекать

to bleed (bled) кровоточить

to produce производить; вызывать

gingiva десна

poison яд

to inflame (inflammation) воспаляться (воспаление)

to interfere мешать, зд. затруднять

to be familiar with быть знакомым с чем - либо

Exercise 3. Read and tranlate into Russian the following text:


The mouth, in which the preliminary process of digestion begins, has a number of functions to perform. A disturbance of any of these functions indicates the presence of disease in the mouth or at some distance, as in the stomach, and bowels. In the mouth the starchy portions of the diet are given their first digestion. The absence of a number of teeth or the presence of bad teeth may disturb the preparation of food affecting the process of digestion in the mouth as well as in the stomach.

One of the commonest mouth diseases is periodontitis. This disease occurs usually during middle or late life. In some cases it may result from infection due to lowered resistance within the teeth and gums. The teeth may loosen and separate, the gums becoming inflamed. Stomatitis refers to a condition characterized by inflammation of the oral cavity.

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth occurring as a result of mechanical, chemical, thermal, bacterial, viral, electrical, or radiation injury or reactions to allergens or as secondary manifestations of systemic disease. There are various types of this disease such as catarrhal stomatitis, chronic stomatitis, simple stomatitis, chemical stomatitis and so on. In stomatitis infection and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity may involve the gingiva, the palate, the tongue, the cheeks and the lips.

The lesion may be of local origin or it may be a symptomatic expression of general disease.

Simple Stomatitis. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity being inflamed, it becomes sensitive and red. Often the tongue and pharynx are involved. The temperature may rise very high, especially in children.

Mastication is often interfered, the breath being fetid. It may be due to catarrh of the upper air passages or digestive disturbances.

Idiosyncrasy to certain drugs may produce stomatitis, especially antipyrin, aspirin.

Chemical Stomatitis. Under the term «chemical stomatitis* certain industrial diseases come, such as phosphorous and lead poisoning.

B. Choose a correct derivative and translate the sentences:

1. prepare - These pharmaceutical ... are administered to relieve pain.

2. masticate - In stomatitis ... is ofte

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