2. Reported Commands: 1. My friend: "Call me in an hour.
My friend told me…
2. Susan: Don't smoke in the room!
Susan told them
3. Jane's mother: "Clean the room.
Jane's mother told her…
4. The teacher: "Don't forget your copy-books."
The teacher told us
5. Betty: Meet me at the station.
Betty told Dick…
6. The teacher: "Don't shoutl"
The teacher told Sam…
7. Alan: "Open the window.
Alan told him
8. My mother: "Don't play the computer games!"
My mother told me…
9. Judy: "Take one tablet every three hours.
Judy told Nick
10. Peter: "Don't touch the dog!
Peter told her…

АннаПетух АннаПетух    1   01.03.2021 06:44    76

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