2 Read the Class Book. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Five thousand years ago, people wrote on paper.
2 People used a reed to write on wet clay.
3 Clay tablets were very heavy.
4 They were difficult to break
5 People used each tablet many times.
6 Papyrus is a kind of plant.
7 Papyrus was soft and light.
8 People in other countries also started to use papyrus.
9 Papyrus was not expensive.
10 Sometimes people washed papyrus and used it again.
Unit 13 Adjectives to describe
things Reading: an information poster

2 Read the Class Book. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Five thousand years ago, people wrote on paper

snddrayuk snddrayuk    1   14.02.2022 14:17    10

Danilakibilda Danilakibilda  14.02.2022 14:20

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