2 Read the announcement again. Answer the questions. 1 When do they meet? 2 Where do they meet? 3 What do they do every week? 4 What do they do every month? 5 Who can you phone?

1Ростиславка 1Ростиславка    2   02.11.2021 23:50    45

myrrr14 myrrr14  25.01.2024 05:38
1. When do they meet?
In order to answer this question, we need to carefully re-read the announcement and look for information about the meeting time. Let's look at the announcement again.

Now, after reading the announcement again, it helps to underline or highlight the relevant information. In this case, we are looking for mention of the meeting time. After scanning through the text, we can see that the answer to this question is not explicitly stated. In this case, we can make an inference based on the information given.

The announcement mentions that they have a group meeting for one hour once a week. This means that they meet on a weekly basis. However, the specific day and time are not mentioned.

Therefore, the answer to question 1 is: The specific day and time of the meeting are not mentioned in the announcement.

2. Where do they meet?
Similar to the previous question, in order to find the answer to this question, we need to carefully re-read the announcement and look for information about the meeting location. Let's examine the text again.

After re-reading the announcement, we can identify the relevant information about the meeting location. It states that they meet at the local library.

Therefore, the answer to question 2 is: They meet at the local library.

3. What do they do every week?
To answer this question, we need to re-read the announcement and find information about the activities they engage in on a weekly basis. Let's analyze the text again.

Upon re-reading the announcement, it states that they have a group meeting for one hour once a week, where they discuss books, make presentations, and share their opinions. This implies that they engage in activities related to reading and discussing books during their weekly meetings.

Therefore, the answer to question 3 is: They discuss books, make presentations, and share their opinions every week.

4. What do they do every month?
To answer this question, once again, we need to refer back to the announcement and search for information about monthly activities. Let's read the text again.

Upon re-reading the announcement, it states that they have special events featuring guest authors and poets once a month. This implies that they organize events and invite guest authors and poets to participate in these events.

Therefore, the answer to question 4 is: They organize special events featuring guest authors and poets once a month.

5. Who can you phone?
To answer this question, we need to go back to the announcement and find information about the contact person or phone number. Let's review the text again.

Upon re-reading the announcement, it states that for more information, you can please contact Mrs. Johnson. This implies that Mrs. Johnson is the contact person, and you can phone her for further details.

Therefore, the answer to question 5 is: You can phone Mrs. Johnson for more information.

By carefully re-reading the announcement and analyzing the information provided, we have answered each question with supporting evidence from the text. It is important to read and comprehend the text thoroughly in order to find the correct answers.
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