2. раскройтескобки, употребив present progressive passive (is/are being done) 1) the food …(cook) 2) the pictures …(draw) 3) the film …(watch) 4) the flowers …(water) 5) an animal …(take) at home. 6) the windows …(clean) 7) the books …(buy) 8) our house …(build) 9) the homework …(do) 10) thenewspapers …(read)

samsamokruxa samsamokruxa    1   04.10.2019 14:20    1

gavric228 gavric228  09.10.2020 19:45
1 The food is being cooked
2 The pictures are being drawn
3 The film is being watched
4 The flowers are being watered
5 An animal is being taken at home
6 The windows are being cleaned
7 The books are being bought
8 Our house is being built
9 The homework is being done
10 The newspapers are being read
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