2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
How many times have you been asked the question, «What do you do for living?» There is a tendency for people to answer this question by saying, for example, «I'm an secretary» or «I'm a salesgirl». In everyday conversations these answers are acceptable, but in an interview the interviewer will be more interested in your skills than in your former titles. On your resume you must try to put more emphasis on things you can do and have done rather than on what you are or were called while doing those things.
At job interviews an applicant is expected to explain past work experience clearly. A good applicant is prepared to speak specifically about skills as well as experience. For example: «I worked for eight months as an assistant to the manager at WXYZ radio. I learned to keep records carefully, to file rapidly, and to take information over the phone accurately.» The fact that the work was unpaid and part-time is of secondary importance. What counts most are the skills acquired. It almost always pays to explain work experience in this way.
3. ответьте на во используя это интервью.
1. Do you drive?
2. How long have you lived in this area?
3. Which do you prefer, books or people?
4. How far do you live from work?
5. Have you done much traveling in recent years?
6. Do you like to travel?
7. Have you ever had to supervise?
8. What did you like most about your previous job?
9. Why did you choose marketing as your major?
10. Tell me about yourself.
11. Why did you leave your last job?
12. Which do you prefer when you start a new project, a lot of direction or little guidance?
13. Do you enjoy going to parties?
14. What goal do you have for the future?
15. Describe the kind of boss you would like to work for.
16. Which subject was more difficult for you, Russian or math?
17. When you supervise people, how do you try to motivate them? you work under pressure?
19. Will you accept $ ... per month to start?
20. Do you have any problems with your health?
ответ: task 1.
Сколько раз вам задавали вопрос "Кем ты работаешь?". В основном люди отвечают на этот вопрос, говоря "Я секретарь", или "Я продавец". В ежедневных разговорах такие ответы приемлемы, но на собеседовании менеджер по персоналу будет скорее заинтересован в ваших навыках, чем в ваших должностях. В своем резюме постарайтесь подчеркнуть именно задачи, которые вы можете выполнять и с которыми справлялись, а не то, как вы назывались или сейчас называетесь, выполняя эти задачи.
На собеседовании при приеме на работу, ожидается, что соискатель четко расскажет о своем опыте работы. Оптимальный соискатель должен быть готов рассказать конкретно о навыках, так де как и о своем опыте. К примеру: "В течение 8 месяцев я работала менеджера на радио WXYZ. Я научилась содержать записи в порядке, мгновенно создавать файлы, и четко получать информацию по телефону." Тот факт, что работа была неоплачиваемая и на неполный рабочий день, можно опустить. Более всего ценятся полученные навыки. Почти всегда стоит рассказывать об опыте работу таким
task 3.
1. yes, I do\ no, I don't.
2. I've lived here since I was born.
3. I prefer books.
4. I live in 7 km from work.
5. I haven't gone travelling for 3 years.
6. Yes, I do.
7. No, I haven't.
8. Part-time occupation.
9. Because I like it.
10. I was born in Kiev in 1979. I've got a Diplome of ... University. My first job was a teacher of music. After that I worked as a secretary for ... Company. I have a Diplome of Office Manager. I am not married. I have 2 dogs. One of my hobbies is a computer graphics.
11. My position was cancelled because of crysis.
12. When I starrt a new project I'd prefer little guidance.
13. Yes, I do.
14. I want to work by my own.
15. Persistant, loyal, optimistic.
16. Math.
17. When I supervise people I try to motivate them by money and by helping them with some advice. Yes, I do work under pressure.
19. Yes, I will.
20. I am rather a healthy person.
second part is individual.