2. Поставьте стоящие в скобках глаголы в правильную форму Perfect Active или Passive:
1) By that time we already (to change) our plans.
2) He decided to become a writer when his first story (to publish).
3) No one came in since we (to be) here.
4) It’s a long time since I (to visit) that town.
5) He … (to offered) a very interesting job at that Institute.
6)The light just (to change) from green to red.

3. Переведите предложения, используя Passive Voice:
1) He had been told this news before he explained to them.
2) At the party they were shown a very interesting film.
3) His jokes are always laughed at.

NikitaPetrov1234 NikitaPetrov1234    1   05.05.2020 08:55    3

KateKein KateKein  14.10.2020 07:12

1) We have already changed

2) story has been published

3) we have been

4) I have visited

5) has been offered

6) light just has changed

1) Ему сказали эту новость прежде чем он объяснил им

2) На вечеринке им показали очень интересный фильм

3) Над его шутками всегда смеются.

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