2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова в скобках 1. Most farms of our (region) breed hogs and dairy cattle, 2. This dairy breed is (high-yielding) 3. When they have a good (cowshed) they will breed dairy cattle. 4.In winter this farmer feeds his cows with (legume) hay and grass (silage). 5. (Roughage) feeds are not good for feeding hogs, 6. (One) should regulate the temperature, ventilation and lighting in animals (buildings). 7. The (crossbreds) obtained by crossing many breeds have better (qualities) than those obtained from crossing two breeds, 8. To improve herds and (flocks) farmershould use only (purebred) sires and (dams). 9. Best (offspring) is produced by (using) pure breeding and crossbreeding

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