2. Now put the words from the previous exercise into the right sentences. One word is extra. • I really can’t understand why my wife always ……………………….. with me. It sometimes occurs to me that we don’t share any values at all.
• What about Jason? Did they hire him? - No, he appeared to be too …………………………… for this job.
• I haven’t seen Laura in a while. Is she alright? - Yes, she is, but she’s been kind of ………………………….. lately and doesn’t want to meet anybody.
• Do you know that it is …………………………… for a drunk person to enter a bar in Alaska?
• And then, Mr. Policeman, I swear the money just ……………………………, vanished into thin air, and I had nothing to do with it.
• What’s wrong with your smartphone? - Ah, I dropped it into the toilet and it’s been ……………………………………… ever since.
• - Stop calling me a liar! - But how can I help it if you’re a totally ………………………. person.
• Don’t talk …………………………..! Of course Pluto is a planet!
• Nothing is …………………………….. if your you set your mind to it, my dear.
• I can’t say that Mr. Shelby is evil or ……………………………, he’s just kind of ……………………….. to people sometimes, not the politest guy ever I must admit.
• The depths of the …………………………….. have always fascinated me, that’s why I became an astrophysicist.
• Since Keira has got an infant, she always has wet wipes and …………………….. gel with her.
• Almost everybody is ………………………………… when they’re young, it’s the natural order of things. The weight of responsibility comes with age.

vishnevskayaya vishnevskayaya    2   08.09.2020 12:24    137

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