2.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты. метод осмотра, опрос, анамнез, брать, семейный анамнез, телосложение,
хруст, крепитирующие хрипы, притупленность, необходимо, установить,
выяснить, образец, мазок, цвет лица, записывать.
3 ответьте на вопросы.
1 What are the usual methods of examination?
2 What does inquiry reveal?
3 What does inspection reveal?
4 What can be determined by palpation, auscultation and percussion?
5 How do the doctors take the patient’s temperature, measure blood pressure?
6 What is the patient’s normal pulse?
Before the treatment of a disease it is necessary to make diagnosis, to
determine the cause of the disease, and all symptoms by which it can be revealed.
Correct diagnosis must be based on a complete clinical examination of the
patient. The usual methods of examination which doctors use in their practice, are:
inquiry, inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion, taking the temperature,
feeling the pulse, taking the blood pressure, making X-ray examinations and
various laboratory studies.
By questioning the patient the doctor learns about his complaints, the onset of
the disease, his past history and his family history, hereditary diseases.
Inspection is the method by which doctor reveals the appearance of the
patient, his build, nourishment, complexion, the state of his skin, mucous
membranes, tongue, pupils, etc.
While auscultating the patient, the physician can determine the abnormal
heart sounds, crepitations and rales in the lungs.
By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the
outlines or the enlargement of the organ, swelling, edema and existence of growth.
Percussion reveals dullness of sound and distribution of fluids in the body.
The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the
patient has or has no temperature.
The blood pressure is measured by means of monometer to find out whether
the patient is suffering from hypertension or hypotension.
The patient's pulse is felt to determine whether the pulse rate is normal or
accelerated. The normal rate is 65-70 beats per minute.
The usual laboratory studies are various blood tests, urine analyses, stool
studies and sputum, bile examinations.
Patient’s swabs or smears are taken for cytological examination. If the patient
suffers from any kind of allergy it is necessary to make allergy tests.
Biopsy specimens are taken to detect the character of tumor.
In order to detect lesions in the bones or tissues patients are X-rayed.
The results of physical examination and laboratory investigations are recorded
into patient’s case history.

мага092 мага092    1   13.06.2020 17:06    55

ghhgbg ghhgbg  19.08.2020 01:49


метод осмотра - methods of examination

опрос - questioning

анамнез - past history

брать - to take

семейный анамнез - family history

телосложение - build

хруст - crepitations

крепитирующие хрипы - rales in the lungs

притупленность - dullness

необходимо - necessary

установить - to determine

выяснить - to detect

образец - specimen

мазок - smear

цвет лица - complexion

записывать - to record


1.What are the usual methods of examination? The usual methods of examination which doctors use in their practice, are: inquiry, inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion, taking the temperature, feeling the pulse, taking the blood pressure, making X-ray examinations and various laboratory studies.

2.What does inquiry reveal? The usual methods of examination

3.What does inspection reveal? Inspection is the method by which doctor reveals the appearance of the

patient, his build, nourishment, complexion, the state of his skin, mucous

membranes, tongue, pupils, etc.

4.What can be determined by palpation, auscultation and percussion? By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the outlines or the enlargement of the organ, swelling, edema and existence of growth.

5.How do the doctors take the patient’s temperature, measure blood pressure? The blood pressure is measured by means of monometer to find out whether the patient is suffering from hypertension or hypotension.The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the

patient has or has no temperature.

6.What is the patient’s normal pulse? The normal rate is 65-70 beats per minute.

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