2 Make the right choice. Example: I (strong, strongly) advise you to join the group.
I strongly advise you to join the group.
1) Nick is a very (polite, politely) pelite
boy, he always speaks
, politely) politely
2) We should think it over (serious,
seriously. 3) He (warm, warmly) wormly greeted
us. 4) The weather is so (warm, warmly)
worn today. 5) It
is (warm, warmly)
outside. 6) He drives (dangerous,
7) The boy looks (absolute, absolutely)
ill. 8) He (definite, definitely)
is not a
lawyer. 9) We don't know his (permanent, permanently)
address. 10) His voice sounded (polite, politely)
(cold, coldly)

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