2 Listening & Reading 11.4.1 11.4.2. 11.4.3 Look at pictures A & B and read the title of the text. How do you think they are related? What do you expect the text to be about? Read the text to find out. 25 centuries of seven days

Zeerorrrrrr Zeerorrrrrr    2   08.12.2021 21:53    70

ника2727 ника2727  26.12.2023 08:03
Pictures A & B show different scenes from different time periods. In picture A, we can see people dressed in ancient clothing, with buildings and chariots. In picture B, we see modern buildings, cars, and people wearing modern clothes. The title of the text is "25 Centuries of Seven Days."

From these clues, we can infer that the text is probably about the concept of time and how it has been measured or organized over the course of 25 centuries. The contrasting images in the pictures suggest that the text may explore the changes and continuity in the way time is understood and divided into seven-day cycles.

Let's read the text to find out if our predictions are correct.

(Read the text)

The text confirms our expectations. It explains that the seven-day week has been used as a time measurement system for over 25 centuries. It tells us that the concept of a seven-day week originated in ancient civilizations such as Babylon and ancient Egypt. These civilizations believed that there were seven celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) that corresponded to the seven days in a week.

The text also discusses how the seven-day week has persisted and evolved throughout history. It mentions the influence of religious and cultural practices in shaping the way we perceive time. For example, the text mentions how the Christian church played a role in establishing Sunday as the day of rest in many Western societies.

Overall, the text provides a detailed explanation of the origins and development of the seven-day week, spanning 25 centuries of human history. It explores the cultural, religious, and scientific reasons behind this system of time measurement.

In conclusion, the images in pictures A & B and the title of the text allowed us to make predictions about the content of the text. By reading the text, we confirmed that it is indeed about the history of the seven-day week and how it has been used for 25 centuries.
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