2. How did “Bow Street Runners” get their name? [1] 3.
Choose True or False.
4. In 1800, there were not enough policemen in London. [1]
True False
5. All of the first 3000 London Police Force rode horses. [1]
True False
6. Today, police officers who work with horses are paid more than their colleagues.
True False [1]
Total [5]

Writing.Вставьтеглагол to be(Was/Were) вовремени Past Simple
1. I _ happy yesterday morning
2. My brother _ sick two days ago
3. They _ at the cinema yesterday
4. He _ at school an hour ago
5. Kate _ at the children’s camp last month
6. Mike and Peter _ at the party last night
Total [3]
Закончите диалог, используя только глагол tobe(Was/Were) в нужном спряжении и при необходимости местоимения
1. _ coldyesterday? Yes, _
2. Where _ your sister last month? _ atthechildren’scamp
3. _ you in Moscow last summer? No, _
4. Why _ they busy yesterday afternoon? _ atschool
5. _ Anna blonde last year? No, _
6. _ your cat sick two days ago? Yes, _
Total [6]
1. do you have your breakfast?
a. how b. when c. why
2. is your favorite dish?
a. how b. when c. what
3. is your book?
a. where b. when c. why

Vika140220081 Vika140220081    3   27.10.2020 14:25    4

unitolog unitolog  27.10.2020 14:30

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