2. fill in the blank with the positive or comparative form of the word in parentheses. add necessary words. 1. is these (comparative: advertising) in the in your country? is it (positive: effective)? 2. are billboards (positive: common) in your coun¬try in the usa? are they (comparative: attractive)? 3. are newspapers in your language (comparative: interesting) newspapers in english? are (comparative: expensive)? 4. are there (comparative: few ads) in newspa¬pers in your country in the usa? are they : small or big)? 5. are records from your country (positive: good) records in the usa? do teenagers play them (positive: loudly)? 6. are american tv commercials (comparative: good) commercials in your country? do they appear (comparative: frequently)? 7. is the media (positive: important) in your coun¬try in the usa?

AutumnIsBest AutumnIsBest    1   19.07.2019 11:10    0

вгььсь вгььсь  03.10.2020 07:52
1. Is there (more advertising) in the USA than in your country? Is it (as effective)?
2. Are billboards (as common) in your country as in the USA? Are they (more attractive)?
3. Are newspapers in your language (more interesting) than newspapers in English? Are they (more expensive)?
4. Are there (fewer ads) in newspapers in your countrythan in the USA? Are they (smaller or bigger)?
5. Are records from your country (as good) as records in the USA? Do teenagers play them (as loudly)?
6. Are American TV commercials (better) than commercials in your country? Do they appear (more frequently)?
7. Is the media (as important) in your country as in the USA?
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