2. complete the sentences with a verb in the past simple tense.
a) we enjoyed the party.
b) ramis
in bed because he was ill.
c) pamela
late at school.
all evening.
e) he
with his friends when he was a student.
the fish.
6) she
the letter.
d) 1
1) tomris

Анна20041288 Анна20041288    2   11.12.2019 16:13    51

shyndari shyndari  10.10.2020 19:59
ZefirKa02 ZefirKa02  22.01.2024 20:56
a) We enjoyed the party.
b) Ramis stayed in bed because he was ill.
c) Pamela arrived late at school.
d) Tomris cooked the fish.
e) He lived with his friends when he was a student.
f) She opened the letter.

a) The sentence is already in the past simple tense.
b) Ramis is the subject, so we add "stayed" as the past simple tense of the verb "stay" to match the subject. The reason for staying in bed is mentioned as "because he was ill".
c) Pamela is the subject, so we add "arrived" as the past simple tense of the verb "arrive" to match the subject.
d) Tomris is the subject, so we add "cooked" as the past simple tense of the verb "cook" to match the subject. The object is mentioned as "the fish".
e) The pronoun "He" is the subject, so we add "lived" as the past simple tense of the verb "live" to match the subject. The situation is mentioned as "with his friends when he was a student".
f) She is the subject, so we add "opened" as the past simple tense of the verb "open" to match the subject. The object is mentioned as "the letter".

Step-by-step solution:
a) No need for a step-by-step solution as the sentence is already in the past simple tense.
b) Subject + past simple tense of the verb "stay" + reason.
Ramis + stayed + in bed because he was ill.
c) Subject + past simple tense of the verb "arrive".
Pamela + arrived + late at school.
d) Subject + past simple tense of the verb "cook" + object.
Tomris + cooked + the fish.
e) Subject + past simple tense of the verb "live" + circumstance.
He + lived + with his friends when he was a student.
f) Subject + past simple tense of the verb "open" + object.
She + opened + the letter.

Note: It is important to match the subject with the correct past simple tense form of the verb. The reasons, circumstances, and objects mentioned in the sentences help provide context and clarification.
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