2 Complete the sentence for each situation using the verbs given. 1 You're standing very close to the edge of a swimming pool. You're wearing all
your clothes, not a swimming costume. A friend says:
If you (fall in) ...fo.ILW'V, your clothes (get) .W.tl-.LgjJfc. wet!
2 You're sitting in the classroom on a hot day. You're day dreaming about going to
the beach. You think:
If today (be)..
a holiday. I (go)..
to the beach
3 You can't answer a question in your English hook. You ask a friend to help, but
she doesn't know the answer. She says:
If I (know)
.the answer. I (tell)
4 You're walking towards the bus stop with a friend. Suddenly the bus arrives. The
bus stop is far away, but you think there is a chance of catching the bus. You say:
If we (run).
we (catch).
5 You're planning to go cycling tomorrow with some friends. You are not sure
about the weather, because it sometimes rains at this time of the year. You arrange
to meet tomorrow afternoon and say:
If it (rain)...
we (go)...
to the cinema instead,​

elkasiv elkasiv    3   19.03.2021 20:12    297

Александра24х4 Александра24х4  21.12.2023 11:40
1. If you fall in, your clothes will get wet.
Explanation: In this situation, the friend is warning you about the possible consequence of falling in the pool, which is getting your clothes wet. We use the future simple tense ("will + verb") to express a future possibility or outcome.

2. If today is a holiday, I will go to the beach.
Explanation: In this situation, you are daydreaming about going to the beach on a hot day in the classroom. You imagine the possibility of today being a holiday and express your plan to go to the beach as a result. We use the present simple tense ("is" for third person singular) and the future simple tense ("will + verb") to express a future possibility or outcome.

3. If I know the answer, I will tell you.
Explanation: In this situation, you are unable to answer a question in your English book and ask your friend for help. Your friend admits not knowing the answer but promises to tell you if she does. We use the present simple tense ("know" for first person singular) and the future simple tense ("will + verb") to express a future possibility or outcome.

4. If we run, we can catch the bus.
Explanation: In this situation, the bus arrives suddenly while you and your friend are walking towards the bus stop. You assess the situation and suggest that running might give you a chance to catch the bus. We use the present simple tense ("run" for first person plural) and the modal verb "can" to express a future possibility or outcome.

5. If it rains, we will go to the cinema instead.
Explanation: In this situation, you are planning to go cycling with friends tomorrow but are uncertain about the weather. As a backup plan, you agree that if it rains, you will go to the cinema instead. We use the present simple tense ("rains" for third person singular) and the future simple tense ("will + verb") to express a future possibility or outcome.
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